This project is born from the experience we made with one of our clients for which we developed a solution for capturing and analysing metering data from over half million of devices. The tool quickly became a very important part of daily problem investigations, and a cornerstone in the behavioral analysis. The speed and the ability to interactively visualise the data made the experience of extracting insights plesant and playful.
Due to the great success of the project we decided to turn the experiece we acquired into an OpenSource project called Samsara.

Bruno Bonacci
Co-founder, Big Data Architect
Over 20 years of commercial experience working with high volumes of data. In the recent years focusing on Real-time BigData Analytics. Passionate about Clojure development.
Follow @brunobonacci
Dayo Oliyide
Co-founder, Architect
A polygot with a lot of experience covering a wide range of technologies and industries. Love learning/understanding/sharing how things work. Currently passionate about Clojure, distributed systems and analytics.
Follow @dayooliyide
(Sathya)vijayan Vittal
Co-founder, Architect
Software Architect with experience building highly scalable systems. Polyglot developer. Rubyist. Passionate about PaaS and clojure development.
Follow @sathyavijayanContacts
For info please contact:
Many thanks to:
YourKit for supporting Samsara's OpenSource development.