Ingestion API

Ingestion API.

Ingestion API

For installation instructutions refer to the Ingestion API project in GitHub.

For the format of the events please refer to Events Specification.

Available endpoints


This endpoint accepts a set of events and sends it to the backend for further processing. The type of backend is determined by the configuration. This endpoint accepts JSON payloads and gzip compressed Json payloads. Here some request sample:

Example of a plain JSON payload:

cat <<EOF | curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
                -H "X-Samsara-publishedTimestamp: $(date +%s999)" \
                -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/v1/events" -d @-
    "timestamp": $(date +%s000),
    "sourceId": "3aw4sedrtcyvgbuhjkn",
    "eventName": "user.item.added",
    "page": "orders",
    "item": "sku-1234"
  }, {
    "timestamp": $(date +%s000),
    "sourceId": "3aw4sedrtcyvgbuhjkn",
    "eventName": "user.item.removed",
    "page": "orders",
    "item": "sku-5433",
    "action": "remove"

Example of a GZIP JSON payload:

cat <<EOF | gzip | curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
                        -H "X-Samsara-publishedTimestamp: $(date +%s999)" \
                        -H "Content-Encoding: gzip" \
                        -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/v1/events" \
                        --data-binary @-
    "timestamp": $(date +%s000),
    "sourceId": "3aw4sedrtcyvgbuhjkn",
    "eventName": "user.item.added",
    "page": "orders",
    "item": "sku-1234"
  }, {
    "timestamp": $(date +%s000),
    "sourceId": "3aw4sedrtcyvgbuhjkn",
    "eventName": "user.item.removed",
    "page": "orders",
    "item": "sku-5433",
    "action": "remove"


This endpoint controls the status of the services.

You can check the current status with:

curl -i -XGET "http://localhost:9000/v1/api-status"

{ "status": "online" }

You can change the current status with:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -XPUT "http://localhost:9000/v1/api-status" \
     -d '{ "status": "offline" }'

Where status can be one of: online or offline. When set to offline the GET /api-status will return HTTP 503 as response code.

This is useful for maintenance purposes to take one instance off of the loadbalancer.

For obvious reasons PUT /v1/api-status shouldn’t be made available to the open internet but only used internally to set a particular instance offine.

We recommend to to use HAProxy ACL policies to set up who can access this endpoint.

For example this could be allowed only from a administative network in the following way:

frontend example-frontend
  acl network_allowed src
  acl restricted_page path_beg /v1/api-status
  block if restricted_page METH_PUT !network_allowed

This snippet will only allow the networks and to issue a PUT /v1/api-status.